
How to rip jeans


Torn jeans will not surprise anyone now, besides they are now sold everywhere at an affordable price. However, everything done with your own hands carries a special warmth! Even despite the "holes")))

Of course, these jeans can be bought, which is much easier. But here we are engaged in needlework, so we will not buy trendy ripped jeans, but we will do it ourselves. There is MK on the Internet and articles on how to do this. I will show you my option. Which seemed convenient to me and most importantly fast. Because patience needs hoo-hoo, but I don’t have it, as well as time.
I took the old worn jeans (it is easier to “tear” them than new ones). Very thin will tear if not immediately exposing the legs completely, then after the first wash it is necessary. Insulated disappear for obvious reasons. Ideally, ordinary cotton, stretch jeans.
With bright soap we outline the supposed places of future holes. If you have shabby knees, it’s ideal to make holes right on them. With a hard brush we erase the marked places. But do not overdo it, otherwise all the threads will break. Then the longest and most painstaking: with a ripper, we cut the longitudinal BLUE threads. And we pull them out, we pull them out, we tear them off, and not cut them off. Otherwise, there will be no kind of "raggedness". We make the cuts carefully so as not to damage the transverse WHITE threads.
To make the so-called "noodles" - the transverse cuts of the front legs, you just need to make incisions with a clerical knife and rub it with a brush.If you need to make a simple hole (let's say on the whole knee) - just cut out with scissors and overwrite.
A few hours of such painstaking work - and voila! Everything is ready! At the very end, I again wipe all the edges of the holes with a stiff brush for greater naturalness. And in the wash. You can also make ripped shorts by the summer. After cutting off the legs, also rub the edges. Jeans must be washed after the manipulations!
Hope my little MK comes in handy!
