
Anti-cellulite care


Spring is just around the corner. So, it's time to start preparing for the new season. So that when the snow melts and the warm sun peeks out from behind the gray clouds, boldly flaunt slender legs in a beautiful dress.

To help restore muscle tone and tighten the tummy that appeared during the winter, fitness will help, and lose a couple of extra pounds - a proven diet. But at the same time do not forget about the skin tone, which also needs additional care. To do this, select those products that have not only a moisturizing and softening effect, but also an anti-cellulite effect. Such creams smooth the surface of the skin, make it elastic, smooth. Indeed, most women at any age dream of a taut and well-groomed body.
Try a new product from the company Zepter - intensive care against cellulite Swisso logical. It has a light texture, pleasant aroma, comfortable application without a sticky sensation on the skin.
The cream combines the most effective and active ingredients - soy isoflavones, caffeine and L-carnitine - inhibiting the formation of new fat cells, stimulating the breakdown of fats and increasing the metabolic rate.
As a result of regular use Swisso logical after 2 months you will notice an improvement in the condition of the skin: the effect of the “orange peel” will decrease, the skin will become more toned, supple and moisturized, the volume of the hips will noticeably decrease.
An integrated approach - sports, the right diet, the use of anti-cellulite cream - guarantee the desired effect.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
