
Weekend Diet


Five days a week we follow a strict diet, and on weekends we leave on a break. All according to plan! Dietary respite will pass without remorse and "aggravating" consequences for the figure.

Have you ever started a diet on Monday, steadily adhered to it until the weekend, and then “eaten” the lost kilos again, because you could not deny yourself the pleasure of going to a cafe with girlfriends on Saturday or sweetening your mother’s Sunday cakes? Scientists from the University of Washington confirmed what everyone had suspected for so long: we are more likely to break the diet and consume more fatty and sweet foods in the weekend. After a strict dietary lesson has been set, it’s time to announce a tasty break, which, however, will not interfere with the process of losing weight.
The daily diet is made up of products conventionally divided into groups (for example, there is the “Proteins” group, however, dairy products rich in proteins are allocated in a separate block - because of calcium in the first place). Important is their calorie content, as well as the number of servings per week.
► Monday - Friday. The daily menu is designed for a minimum of 1200 kcal, but it can be well balanced and avoid hunger attacks, including night.
► Saturday - Sunday. The energy limit rises to 2000 kcal, which is more than enough to afford a hearty breakfast or a trip to the cafe.The diet itself suggests that on weekends we eat more, including special dishes served at a family Sunday dinner, ordered in a restaurant for the company. This perfectly matches our desire to relax and feast on the weekend. The need for “refueling” has also been taken into account - the diet provides for snacks: two on weekdays and two double servings on the weekend. All that remains is simply to follow the plan, creating a menu for every day, and record the loss of up to 1.5 kg per week, enjoying the weekend.
(in a day)
✔6 servings of carbohydrates
✔2 servings of dairy products
✔5 servings of fruits and vegetables
✔0−0.5 servings of fat
✔2 servings of protein
✔2 x 100 kcal snack
(in a day)
✔8 servings of carbohydrates
✔3 servings of dairy products
✔6 servings of fruits and vegetables
✔3 servings of fat
✔2 servings of protein
✔2 x 200 kcal snack
High tea
You can choose any snack if it fits into about 100 kcal. But in order to efficiently recharge energy during the day, especially against the background of a general decrease in calories, one carbohydrate snack and one from the dairy group are recommended. This is the most balanced option.
There are more snacking options, and the energy value is higher (up to 200 kcal). It is not forbidden to choose a dish from the weekday menu, doubling the portion.
Preferred "slow", which are absorbed gradually: whole grain bread, baked potatoes, granola, wild or brown rice, pasta from durum wheat. They provide us with energy throughout the day.
Fruits, Berries, Vegetables
Their wide assortment will fully provide the body with fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals.
Milk products
Milk, yogurt and cheese will provide enough calcium to support the strength and strength of the skeletal system.
The body needs to produce hormones and absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K, D, F. from food.
Proteins (proteins)
Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and legumes are all sources of protein, animal and vegetable. They help us to feel full and supply enough amino acids for damaged cells to regenerate and produce new ones.
The article was published on the basis of the journal "Good advice" 5/2014
Text: Marina Ivanova. Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
