
Fashion hits Burda 05/2014


Already in the May issue the real summer sounded: dresses with floral prints and a waving hem, comfortable Bermuda and much more ...

It's no secret that the creators of famous patterns Burda carefully study the latest fashion shows in various magnificent “corners” of the fashion world: in Paris, London, Milan, Barcelona, ​​New York, Berlin ... Then they introduce the trends shown at these shows into everyday life - transforming them into patterns for fans sewing.
And we, as usual in this series of articles, will look at the curious details of what the designers did and what then became the impetus for the construction of our favorite patterns.
Pay attention to the top fromPROENZA SCHOULER: crossed ribbons of different widths this summer in favorites. You can take ready-made braids and “build” them into an interesting bustier or bando, or you can try and stitch small horizontal folds laid in one direction, and then sew a “geometric” top from them.

In summer models, pockets are extremely relevant this summer - patch pockets, in seams, flat and voluminous. ALEXANDER WANG - American Alexander Wong - combines two types of pockets on his bermudas at once, decorating their white bar with an already “branded” cruciform pattern.

And finally, of course, fabrics: flowers, geometry, classic and art painting. Pay attention to how interestingly the pattern of fabric is beaten on the model from the London brand PETER PILOTTO (by the way, her first creative director
Peter Pilotto - half Austrian, half Italian, second creative director - Christopher de Vos (ChristopherdeVos) by birth half Belgian, half Peruvian, was born in Libya. Moreover, two friends met in Antwerp, at the famous Royal Academy of Arts). But back from the people to the dresses.

As before, designers do not forget about lace. Same brand PETER PILOTTO partially duplicated their colored fabric and dress decor.

Openwork embroidery fashionable blouse with a knit collar (TEMPERLEY LONDON) interestingly echoes the pattern of a fluttering skirt.

As always, accessories do not go unnoticed.
Flowers are everywhere - on a dress, on a neck, on hands, in a hairstyle, even in the form of a strap (TEMPERLEY LONDON).

Flower necklaces, bracelets, from a variety of materials,DE LA RENTA - of stone and rhinestones ...

atBLUGIRL - from plastic to transparent glass ...

Fashionable collar necklaces can be worn in combination with the same rows of beads (ANNA SUI). Matched to the color of the fabric (as well as the color of the eyes and hair), such jewelry looks very organic.

Large bracelets of the most unimaginable shapes and sizes are relevant, including those connected on a hand with a ring or several rings (RODARTE).

On trousers or high-waisted skirts it is fashionable to wear belts, folding the top of the fabric with folds and letting it fall over the belt (GUI LAROCHE).

In the models for rest, chain straps came into fashion, effortlessly fastened with a curly clasp or threaded through blocks (PHILOSOPHY DI ALBERTA FERRETTI).

And ladies in evening dresses still hold mostly small clutches in their hands. A luxury version of the fashion clutch - the model fromAIGNER.

More puristic, but no less stylish - the model fromBADGLEY MISCHKA.

Shoes with prints - a hit of the season! We see this on models fromWESTWOOD, DE LA RENTA, PETER PILOTTO.

Snake skin prints are in fashion (BADGLEY MISCHKA, GUI LAROCHE).

Like last summer, sandals are a la Roman sandals (ANNA SUI), moreover, it is still customary to decorate them with rhinestones, sequins, etc.

Either - as an option - open shoes with wide straps (or in several layers covering the leg with narrower straps) high on the ankle (JULIEN MACDONALD, JASON WU).

And of course, the platform - both on open weekend shoes, and on sports, like the model fromALEXANDER WANG.

Let’s not forget about hairstyles: smooth, hair styled with a “wet” gel on a straight, parted hair or just combed back and completely revealing the face is one of the main summer trends (JULIEN MACDONALD, RODARTE, JASON WU).

Long slanting bangs are still in fashion, sometimes half covering their faces. (GUI LAROCHE)

... as well as a variety of hairstyles with hairpins and rims (PETER PILOTTO, ALBERTA FERRETTI).

Well, for vintage dresses - vintage hairstyles (LENA HOSCHEK).

Photo: U2 / Uli Glazemann;
The material was prepared by Elena Karpova.


Watch the video: BURDA EKSTRA 62020 TEKNİK ÇİZİMLER (January 2025).