
What water can I put in an iron?


It would seem that the question is simple, but not all housewives think about the safety of their iron!

Many do not even think about what kind of water is poured into the iron tank. In fact, the quality of the water greatly affects how long the device will last. If you have a good and all the more expensive iron, you should approach the issue with all care.

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So, let's figure it out together, which water is suitable for the iron?


Some manufacturers claim that their equipment, such as irons or steamers, is designed to work with tap water, but they also note that if the water is hard, the device can quickly suffer from scale. In most cases, tap water is the most unfortunate choice that can be made, so it’s better not to use it, even if the manufacturer claims that you can do it.


This water is most often used because it seems safer compared to tap water. In general, it is, but even if you boil water, there will still be elements in it that will affect the operation of the device negatively.

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This water is absolutely safe for the iron, since the degree of purification is very high. However, few people are involved in the preparation of distilled water at home, which means that you need to buy it.

Special water

The best and most expensive option.Special water for irons has a number of properties: it not only protects the device from scale, but also can simplify the smoothing process, and in addition, it most often has a pleasant aroma.

Speaking of pleasant smells, special perfumed water for the iron is also a very popular option. It is added to the iron tank so that the fabric is saturated with a fragrant aroma during the steam supply.

Scented DIY Ironing Water

It’s better not to pour home-made flavored water into an iron. You can simply pour it into the spray bottle and spray the fabric while ironing. Some consider it a small, albeit pleasant, excess, but it’s a matter of taste - if you like aromatherapy in different formats, then this "excess" will definitely give you pleasure!

An important point: this water is not suitable for delicate fabrics, but it is ideal for ironing bedding!

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The most basic recipe is a few drops of essential oil on a spray bottle. Such water can be sprayed only after vigorous agitation, since the essential oil does not dissolve well in water.

You can also refine the recipe. To do this, you will need a suitable solvent, for example, Polysorbate 80 or PEG-40 (they can be purchased at stores selling goods for creating handmade cosmetics), distilled water, vodka and essential oil. Add 3-4 ml of solvent, 5-10 drops of essential oil to your bottle, then add 50 ml of water and the same amount of vodka.Shake well, and your laundry fragrance spray is ready!

Photo: pixabay, engadget
