
Why are we getting old?


This question has tormented many centuries not only ordinary representatives of mankind, but also its best minds. A single answer has not been found so far. But there are options ...

There are many theories that explain aging. Some blame the innate programs laid down by nature, others blame the harmful effects of external factors, etc. For many years, aging was considered a biological process, now they are paying more and more attention to the psychological influence of society, to the state of mind. To this day, the search continues for a single gene, a hormone - in general, a button that you can click on and set the age to a pause of 30 years - well, or whenever you want. But more and more scientists are coming to the conclusion that wilting is the result of many causes.

4 aging mechanisms:

■ processes that run at the gene level;

■ adverse environmental impacts;

■ activity of the hormonal system;

■ cell level aging.

Theories, how exactly these mechanisms work, are even greater. And in general, they complement each other perfectly. Knowing the basic postulates, you can not wait for great discoveries and develop your own anti-age lifestyle. After all, no one wants a long old age, everyone dreams of eternal youth!

Theories of aging

Adaptive Regulatory Theory based on the fact that the growth, development and life expectancy of the body are determined by how 2 parallel processes occur in it: wear and tear. It is assumed that the "wear" is noticeable due to violations in the work of the "main" genes that control the activity of all others. As a result, with age, the substances in the body that are needed (say, for the brain to function) are not sufficiently produced. For example, a deficiency in the brain of certain substances and an excess of others leads to Alzheimer's disease.

Some genes “fall asleep” when this is completely unnecessary, while others, on the contrary, can “mistakenly” activate and synthesize substances that can poison and destroy entire organs and systems. That is precisely how, according to the authors of the theory, atherosclerosis, cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease arise.

Based on this theory, the idea was put forward - to learn how to regulate the work of genes. Indeed, for the work of any of them, something is needed from the outside: certain matters from which the gene produces others, and certain substances that are “informed” to it about the need to build something. If these and similar substances are reduced or increased, the gene will be forced to behave more actively or, conversely, fall asleep. Moreover, for this it is completely optional to drink some drugs. What processes does smoking trigger in the body, have you heard everything? This is the effect of substances from burning tobacco on genes. Another example: sweets in large quantities “euthanize” the genes responsible for sensitivity to sweets. Indeed, why be active if sugar is already full? This is how type 2 diabetes develops. In addition, it has recently been established: when we sit almost motionless for more than 2 hours in a row, the work of the anti-aging genes fades and the work of genes that provokes the development of decrepitude and senile ailments starts. It is necessary in the literal sense of the word to disperse the blood at least every 2-4 hours in order to give the genes a signal: "I'm still in business and I'm not going to grow old!"

Neuroendocrine, it’s also hormonal, or elevation, or ontogenetic theory was developed by a domestic biochemist and gerontologist V.M. Dilman. He proved that the activity and amount of hormones change with age. These changes are inherent in nature, so that a person can ripen, give birth and raise children, and then make way for new people. The main organ of this system is the hypothalamus, a part of the brain.It is sensitive to hormones and gives a signal to the glands: to develop more of these substances, those less. With age, its sensitivity decreases, and disorder begins in the work of the glands. Signals for the production of certain hormones (sex, growth, sleep) are reduced. But other substances that provoke internal inflammation, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, on the contrary, are becoming more. This is because the hypothalamus does not perceive them well, it seems to him that they are not enough, so he amplifies the signal for production. This theory has made a real explosion in the science of rejuvenation. Have you seen peppy European and American oldies? Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is now widely used. A well-chosen dosage helps you live with an “ached” thyroid or diabetes. HRT can correct the manifestations of menopause in women and relieve the sad thoughts of men, improve muscle and nervous tone, normalize the functioning of blood vessels. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, mood and even intellectual abilities. But you cannot prescribe hormones to yourself! Ideally, it is worth taking an analysis for all the main hormones in 25 years, well, or when you thought about it. And after 35 or when age-related changes begin to bother, repeat the study. The endocrinologist will compare the data and determine what and how much to “add”.

Free radical theory

Almost simultaneously, she was born to the American D. Harman and the Soviet physicochemist N. M. Emmanuel. Free radicals - active forms of oxygen - are found in abundance in the polluted air of a big city and arise inside the body, for example, after stress. They are very active, mobile and oxidize, that is, damage, any living and even non-living structures (the most popular school example is rust). From the destroyed, they also give birth to their own kind! Damage accumulates, and sooner or later, the body ceases to cope with destruction. How do they manifest? The skin loses its elasticity, organs cannot function normally, and some cells even degenerate ... Nature has laid in us a system of protection against an excess of free radicals, which must be maintained. It consists of both enzymes produced in the body and substances that we receive from the outside. The most important components of this system are vitamins A, C, E and selenium. Antioxidants - protectors from free radicals - are rich in green tea, tomatoes, dark berries, etc. They are apparently contained mainly in vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits, seeds, nuts. Moreover, in organic fruits, that is, grown in the old-fashioned way, wild-growing, there are more of them. Let these foods form the basis of the diet! Supplements are also good, but in moderation.

Theory of Programmed Cell Death (Apoptosis) developed by academician V.P. Skulachev. The author focused on what free radicals do in mitochondria - the "energy sources" of the cell. Normally, they should go through a life cycle and self-understand into parts that use neighboring elementary systems. Clean and no waste! But free radicals, destroying mitochondria, cause cells to die prematurely. As a result, they die more than it is born. Cell debris appears instead of living and active cells. Loaded with antioxidants. Lipoic acid (found in plant foods) is especially helpful for mitochondria. Move more in the fresh air so that nutrients are more actively fed into the mitochondria for energy, and with them precious antioxidants.

Crosslinking Theory

She proclaims glucose the main culprit - sugar. If there is a lot of it, then it does not all turn into muscle fuel, as nature intended. Wandering around our inner expanses, orphan glucose molecules glue (“cross-link”) the protein molecules with each other. Because of this, cells stop working normally, tissues lose their elasticity. The most noticeable manifestation of such “crosslinking” is wrinkles.Even worse, such “sutures” are formed in the cells of blood vessels and lungs. Already developed drugs that "embroider" molecules. But it is better to do prevention. Less sweet. A sufficient amount of red lean meat containing the substance carnosine, which protects proteins from "crosslinking". More movement - it actively burns glucose.

Theory of socio-psychological separation indicates that the older the person, the less he communicates with other people. So, retirement sharply turns off society, reduces income and changes its role in society. A person loses familiar contacts and activity. And if it still turns out that the pensioner has no interests or hobbies ... The body feels itself to be something unnecessary and begins to rapidly decay. No need to fall out of life! Communicate (if possible with young people, and on topics of interest to them), learn new things. It is necessary to load both the brain and the body. Therefore, do not forget about physical movement, it can also become a training for the mind. Bicycle, rollers, yoga - it's never too early and never too late! A man is young as long as he has big plans!

The article was published based on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 8/2013

Text: Tatyana Minina. Photo: Legion-Media

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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